Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Close The Door

An age has passed.  For good or ill I cancelled my Rift account today and already cancelled my World Of Warcraft account months ago.  I thought when I stopped playing that I would miss it, and I did for a couple of days, but whether I've grown up or just become bored with the genre I just don't care to spend hours and hours playing games anymore.  Weird.  Of course, there could be other reasons.  Maybe it was because my 6 year old son was becoming way too fascinated with my games and having dreams/nightmares about it, which I totally understand since some stuff creeped me out too.  Maybe I moved on because my wife finally forced me to see the damage that being online all the time was doing to my relationships with her and the kids and my job and everything else and I made a decision about what was more important.  Actually, the answer is "all of the above".  Don't get me wrong, I love video games and I love to play appropriate games with my kids.  This also doesn't mean that I won't game no more forever.  I am also not passing any judgement on anyone else, it's me, not you, I am like a crack head who just won the lottery when I get absorbed in a game.  Good thing I don't smoke or booze it up, I'd probably have to figure out how to kick those habits too.

Ok, end rant.

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